Mother's day as usual, went out and have dinner
like this my mum no need busy on prepare dinner for us and can take a rest *hehe
sis ordering food
sis ordering food
MUM always think for the family ~ ♥
Sometime i will lose my temper to my mum,
Sometime will said out some word hurting you,
Sometime will lazy to helping you,
Sometime will let you worry about me,
that all not intentionally, sorry...
At here...
i wanna to say
I ♥ YOU~
MAY gonna be my busy month...My 2nd & cousin wedding are coming soon...
FINAL EXAM also coming soon, wanna plan a nice schedule for myself to study...haiz
study mood~faster fall in love to me ba...
FINAL EXAM also coming soon, wanna plan a nice schedule for myself to study...haiz
study mood~faster fall in love to me ba...
Happy Mother's day!!!
korean food at near danga bay de bungalow there?
me and my sis cooked for my mum tat day XD so good gal ~~
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