My assignment and test coming like water fall (i know i'm 'kua zhang') but this week really gt many test.==
No last minute work for assignment~ i keep remind myself...i think this sem i did better than last sem, because i dun have rush my assignment till midnight... but still finish it on the last day b4 due date *haha*
Mon, jz settle Econ test and Accounting assignment, then have my PD block lecture on tue
I studied Sunway almost 6 month ++, this is the 1st time i did so much of reading for my study >.<
No last minute work for assignment~ i keep remind myself...i think this sem i did better than last sem, because i dun have rush my assignment till midnight... but still finish it on the last day b4 due date *haha*
Mon, jz settle Econ test and Accounting assignment, then have my PD block lecture on tue
I studied Sunway almost 6 month ++, this is the 1st time i did so much of reading for my study >.<
Thx to the Professional Development 1 subject, have a writing test on compare 2 articles and need to write out 750 words in 45 min... Arg~i know my writing speed sure cant finish it, but nt very worst...i think i have to train to increase the speed my writing and thinking....I like my PD Australia lecture, her nose DAMN high *envy* and i can understand her slang without feel sleepy like b4 other Aussie
Management online test & PD1 report hvn done, and next week have Econ block lecture again..

duno what happen to my fon camera, all pic i taken gt the line there == isn't something wrong??
my 1 week BREAK is COMING soon~
gonna back Penang whn 'qing ming'...look forward to my Holiday... yuhoo~^^
1 comment:
cz the place u taken ur pic ......u know~~ something wrong there!! yiiiiiiiiiiiiiii xD
walao gt holiday again..
i desperately want some holiday....
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